The Double Edged Sword of Radio EncryptionThe Chicago Police Department wants the public to believe outright falsehoods about how allowing the public to monitor their radio…Sep 27, 2022Sep 27, 2022
Transparent Intelligence — The CIA World FactbookWhen you enter grade-school as a young child, some of the things you learn include basic social sciences and geography. The keyword there…Apr 26, 2021Apr 26, 2021
Chicago Police Protest Operations - How Police Prevent Effective Protests, How They Control…Ever since the 1968 Democratic National Convention, Chicago Police have openly and obnoxiously shown pride in using intimidation and…Jun 14, 2020Jun 14, 2020
FOIA Language For Requesting Records From The Chicago Police DepartmentWhen writing a FOIA request to the Chicago Police Department (hereafter referred to as CPD), you need to know several items of information…Feb 23, 2020Feb 23, 2020
Using The Illinois Freedom of Information Act to Search For and Obtain Records From The Chicago…This is my first piece for Medium, and with this I want to bring my learned expertise to the table with a spirit of helpfulness for fellow…Feb 19, 2020Feb 19, 2020